About Department
About the Department:
- The department was established in the year 1994-95.
- The Sociology Department at Maulana Azad College of Arts, Commerce & Science aims to help students explore and understand social issues and how society works. we want students to learn about how society changes because of things like modernization and globalization. Also, we teach students about different theories that help us understand society better by collecting accurate information.
- The Sociology Department offers a tough but rewarding program. It gives you a great education in liberal arts and sets you up for a successful future.
Our Departmental Infrastructure:
1)Departmental Library: There are about 130 books in the departmental library. The staff and students both use these books. It includes certain reference books, books for competitive exams etc.
2)Teaching Learning Methods: The department adopts various methods of teaching apart from lecture methods such as class seminar, group discussion, poster presentation, power point presentation etc.
3)The department is provided with a computer printer.
4)Smart Class: A smart classroom is provided with a touch panel control system, PC, and laptop connection.
Strength of department:
- Department of sociology focuses on the all-round development of our students.
- Students and teachers actively participate in college activities.
- Regular educational visits and tours are conducted.
- Continuous assessment of students through group discussions & seminars in classroom.
- 130+ books are available in the departmental library.
Accomplishments of department in last five years:
- Organised multiple educational visits to orphanages, old-age homes, Rasoolpura Village, Remand homes, University, etc. for the better understanding and interactive learning of students.
- Organised a group discussion on triple talaaqs
- Conducted a Street play on Maha swachata Abhiyaan
- Three surveys were conducted by our department including survey of beggars , child labours and dropout students.
- Multiple seminars, workshops and conferences were conducted for increasing the knowledge of students and teachers.
- Multiple poster presentations were organized on various topics for the students.
Extra-curricular activities & extensions:
- Our faculty members have been working as NSS officers.
- Multiple mask and sanitizer distribution campaigns were held during COVID-19.
- Drawing and Mehendi class was conducted in Rasoolpura for underprivileged children.
- An awareness campaign was held for women of Rasoolpura village
- Teachers and students actively participate in extension activities conducted by the college.
Future Plans of our department:
- Applying for the Major Research project to U.G.C. and D.S.T.,
- In next academic year we are planning to organize one national or international seminar/ workshop/ conference.
- In future we plan to start the certificate course in Rural Development
- We are planning to organize two days rural camp for the students of B.A. III Year.
Our Faculty