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Welcome to the Maulana Azad College of Arts, Science & Commerce — Aurangabad

Excellence is not an exception but a prevailing attitude. Our mission through education is to spread, maintain and improve education among all sections of the society, with special privilege for Minority Community to achieve better personnel to provide integrated, efficient and effective services to the society. Our mission of education is also to promote the value of democracy among the learner which influences a group of people to achieve a common goal of National Integrity for justice and peace. It was because of the wisdom, farsightedness and vision of our beloved founder late Dr. Rafiq Zakaria that Maulana Azad College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Aurangabad, was established in 1963, which has become the symbol of quality education and instrument of social change.


Dr. Mazahar Farooqui

About Our College

Maulana Azad College of Arts, Science and Commerce was founded by the Late Dr. Rafiq Zakaria, in 1963. It is managed by Maulana Azad Education Society. Padmashri Mrs. Fatima Rafiq Zakaria is President of the society. The college is situated on the lush green Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Campus, Aurangabad. It has been organized as 2(f) & 12(b) by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, and it is affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad.

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मौलाना आझाद महाविद्यालयात ऊर्जा स्रोतांचे संवर्धन, पर्यावरण पूरक जीवनशैली या विषयावर एक दिवसीय कार्यशाळा संपन्न झाली.
ही कार्यशाळा G20 ऊर्जा रूपांतरण कार्य गटाच्या अधिपत्याखाली मौलाना आझाद महाविद्यालयाच्या वतीने आयोजित करण्यात आली होती. कार्यशाळेत प्रमुख वक्ते म्हणून AEVPM महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य मिलिंद उबाळे उपस्थित होते.तर कार्यक्रमाच्या अध्यक्षस्थानी मौलाना आझाद महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य डॉ.मझहर अहमद फारुकी होते.
 कार्यक्रमाचे प्रास्ताविक करताना महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य डॉ.मझहर अहमद फारुकी यांनी सुट्टीच्या काळात देखील विद्यार्थ्यांच्या भरगच्च उपस्थितीमुळे आनंद व्यक्त केला. त्यांनी विद्यार्थ्यांना आवाहन केले की महाविद्यालयाच्या ग्रंथालय,प्रयोगशाळा, आणि सर्वच सुखसुविधांचा शैक्षणिक प्रगतीसाठी लाभ घ्यावा.
 प्राचार्य मिलिंद उबाळे यांनी ऊर्जा स्रोतांचे संवर्धन आणि पर्यावरण पूरक जीवनशैली या विषयावर बोलताना सांगितले ऊर्जा स्रोतांची संवर्धन करणे ही प्रत्येक नागरिकाची जबाबदारी आहे. त्यांनी ऊर्जास्रोतांच्या अनेक प्रकारांची माहिती दिली. दिवसागणिक ऊर्जा स्रोत नष्ट होत चाललेले आहेत त्यामुळे भविष्याचा विचार करता सर्वांनी ऊर्जेचा योग्य वापर करावा आणि राष्ट्राच्या उभारणीस हातभार लावावा. कार्यक्रमाचे सूत्रसंचालन डॉ.खान अश्फाक यांनी तर आभार प्रदर्शन डॉ.आरिफ पठाण यांनी मानले.

- 2023-05-15- English

Certificate of GSAAA

- 2024-05-07- English - Download

Notice of Sports Senior College.

- 2024-07-11- - Download

Sports Notice Senior College

- 2024-07-11- English - Download

Sports Dept. Notice Senior College

- 2024-07-11- - Download

Code of Conduct for Students

- 2019-05-03- - Download

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We are immensely proud to announce the wonderful performance of our First Year Microbiology students at the National Micrbiolympiad! Competing against 70 colleges nationwide in the first round, our team ( Ms.Ayesha Zareen,Ms.Amena Rida, Ms.Naushaba Ayman) secured an impressive 7th position. The second round, held at the prestigious Government Institute of Science, Aurangabad, saw our team rise to the challenge once again. Against the top most qualifying teams from across India, our students achieved a commendable 6th place! This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and intellectual curiosity of our budding microbiologists. Their diligent attendance at extra lectures and extensive study efforts have yielded good results. The Department of Microbiology extends its heartfelt congratulations to our students for their exceptional performance at the national level. We express our sincere gratitude to our esteemed Principal, Dr. Mazahar Ahmed Farooqui Sir, for his unwavering guidance, support, and encouragement, which have been instrumental in fostering the development of the students and staff of the college. We are particularly thankful for his gracious felicitation of the students, recognizing their remarkable achievement.

The Department of Zoology, Maulana Azad College of Arts, Science, and Commerce, Aurangabad, organized the State Level Bio-genius Competition 2024-25 in collaboration with the Zoological Society and Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati. M.S. Dated 5 March 2025. On this occasion, the Course Co-ordinator, Prof. Ramesh Chondekar, (Resource Person) Dr.B.A.M.U.Ch.CN. graced the event with his presence. Principal, Dr. Mazahar Ahmed Farooqui, delivered the presidential address and extended his unwavering support and encouragement throughout the event. Prof. Nayab Ansari shared her expertise and provided a detailed explanation of the answer keys for the Bio-Genius competition. A total of 98 participants appeared for the Biogenius Competition from Dr.B.AM.U., S.B.Science College, Govt.College of Arts & Science, Sir Sayyad College, Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya etc. The Organizing Team, comprising Co-ordinator of the event Prof. J.D. Shaikh, Head of the Department of Zoologyand Dr. Tarannum, who was In-charge of the event,worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the event. Dr. Syed Atheruddin Quadri, and Other faculty members, including Dr. Hina, Dr. Sartape, Dr. Naushad, Dr. Dinesh Nalage, Mrs. Tabassum Patel, and Muzaffar Shaikh, also contributed significantly to the event's organization and execution.

Prize Distribution Program by Women Development Cell , Maulana Azad College of Arts Science and Commerce on International Women’s Day The Women Development Cell (WDC), under the guidance of Principal Dr. Mazahr Ahmed Farooqui, organized a prize distribution program to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event recognized winners of various competitions, including painting, mehendi, drawing, bead jewelry making, cooking, and calligraphy. The program was presided over by Principal Dr. Mazahr Ahmed Farooqui, with Vice Principal Dr. Afir Pathan, IQAC Coordinator Dr. Aditi Bhattacharya, and P.G. Incharge Prof. Prashant Netankar as esteemed guests. In his presidential address, Dr. Farooqui appreciated the efforts of WDC and extended his best wishes on the occasion. The event was smoothly conducted by Dr. Ayesha Sultana, while Dr. Samreen Farooqui announced the prizes. WDC Incharge Dr. Syed Ummul Khair Asema delivered the vote of thanks. The dedicated efforts of Dr. Shaikh Tarannum, Dr. Afroz Begum, and Dr. Shazia Mirza contributed to the success of the program.


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