Local name: Nirgudi

Family: Verbenaceae

Location: In front of Department of Botany.

Characters: Erect shrubs or small Trees with greyish tomentose branches. Leaves 3 – 5 foliate, leaflets elliptic lanceolate very unequal, lateral ones with very short, petiolutes or subsessile, crenate serrate margins, acute to acuminate, flowers in greyish tomentose, pedunculate, terminal or axillary panicles of distantly and laterally disposed cymes, bracts lanceolate, calyx cup shaped, corolla bluish Ca 1cm long, tomentose outside, fruits subglobose, drupaceous, 2 – 3 mm across, seeds 2 – 4in bony endocarp.
 Common along river banks and long canals.

General use: Insect replellent, insecticidal, antibacterial.

Medicinal use: Root is febrifuge, tonic, diuretic, elxpectorant, given in dyspepsia, dysentery and piles, leaves smoked in headache, leaf extract is catarrhoel fever, leaf juice in rheumatim, arturitis, sprain as hair tonic. Leaf infusion anticancer, effective in leprosy, root paste is applied externally on swollen parts of the body.

Veterinary use: Leaves paste is used for wound, cuts, Haemost, paralysis, seeds used on cough cold.