Local names: Chinch, Imli, Amli

Family: Caesalpinaceae

Location: Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Mazaar.

Characters: Big tree, evergreen, bark dark grey leaves even pinnate, leaflets 14 – 18 pairs, oblong, obtuse, oblique at base, small. Flowers yellow with pink strips in short racemes at end of branches, peds curved, brown, seeds 3 – 12 smooth, brownish, shining.
 Common around fields and open places, throughout the district.

General use: Tender shoots are eaten as vegetable, fruits are edible and sold by local people in large scale, fruits are used as souring agent in curry, chutney, kernels powder is used in textile industry, fibres are extracted from bark, roosted seeds are used for mastication. Wood is used for manufacture of agricultural implements. Leaves as fodder ripe and unripe pods used in cooking powder from seeds is used as laundry starch, wood yield best quality coat.

Medicinal use: Bark lotion is used for wounds, asthma, amenorrhoea, febrifuge and tonic. The ripe and unripe fruits are acidic eaten as culinary, laxative digestive, pulp concentrate as stomachic, stimulant, refrigerant, laxative, infusion in febrile disease, pulp antiseptic, applied as poultice on hard boils, swellings.
 The juice extracted from the fruits is used for increasing the digestion.

Veterinary use: Fruits used for joint pain, seeds used in bone fracture.