Local name: Chandan

Family: Santalaceae

Location: In front of Higher learning Building, Junior College building park, near Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Mazaar, No. of places.

Characters: Small, evergreen, glabrous trees with slender, dropping branches. Leaves opposite, elliptic lanceolate, entire, glabrous petioles. Flowers inodorous, in terminals and axillary paniculate cymes, peduncles and pedicles short, perianth campanulate, brownish purple. Drupes globose, 8-10 mm in diamter, purple black shining, seed solitary globose.
 Planted and also wild in the district.

General use: Heart wood is scented used in perfumes, agarbatti. Oil is extracted and used for scent.

Medicinal use: The wood is bitter, sedative, cooling, astringent, cardiac tonic and diuretic, it is given in biliousness. Fevers and morbid thirst, a powder of the wood is given with coconut water to allay thirst, the powder mixed with milk or made into pills is given in gonorrhoea, fever and bilious disorders.
 The oil extracted from the wood is useful for scabies and other skin diseases. A psscary of the seeds is used as an abortifacient.