Local names: Sindi, Sendi

Family: Arecaceae

Location: Y. B. Chavhan College of Pharmacy.

Characters: Dioecious trees, trunk clothed with persistent bases of petioles. Leaves crowned at the top of the trunks. Spadices 90 cm long, erect, with filiform, fexuous branches, peduncles much compressed, spathes, spitting into 2, boat shaped valves. Flowers 6-8 mm long, numerous, angular, oblique. Filaments short, Female flowers rather distinct roundish, in nodding, 60-90 cm long spadices. Fruits oblong ellipsoid 2.5–3 cm long, orange yellow, seeds oblong 1 – 1.5 cm long, pale brown.
Very common, in low lying areas along streams, banks etc.

General use: Leaves are used in the preparation of Jhadu (broom). It is also used for making walls and thatching roof of the hut mats, fans. Neera (Sap) a sweet exudates obtained from the plants, converts into ‘Tadi’ after fermentation. Neera yields jaggery. Fruits are eaten. From leaves ‘shikoo’ (portable shelf) is prepared, petiole fibre useful for making ropes.

Medicinal use: Leaves are used in the preparation of Jhadu (broom). It is also used for making walls and thatching roof of the hut mats, fans. Neera (Sap) a sweet exudates obtained from the plants, converts into ‘Tadi’ after fermentation. Neera yields jaggery. Fruits are eaten. From leaves ‘shikoo’ (portable shelf) is prepared, petiole fibre useful for making ropes.