
Local names: Opentia, Cactus, Nivdung

Family: Cactaceae

Location: Botanical garden, Fruit orchard

Characters: Nopalea cochenillifera is a well-known shrubby or treelike cactus with several main branches from the base and a large almost hemispherical top often 3 to 4 meters high or more. It was used in the past for the production of the cochineal insect (Dactylopious coccus Costa). A deep crimson dye is extracted from the female cochineal insects. Cochineal produces a range of scarlet, pink and other red hues from the dye found in cochineal insects, carminic acid. It was used for dyeing fabric, fibres, and wool. This species may have been selected for spinelessness in Mexico, much like Opuntia ficus-indica, to ease the culturing.

General use: Traditionally, the Nopalea cochenillifera has been used medicinally as an anti-inflammatory and laxative. More recent medicinal uses include expedited exercise recovery and reduction of symptoms attributed to alcohol hangovers. In Mexico, medicines derived from this species are the most commonly used method to treat low blood sugar.