71-NERIUM INDICUM   Mill. Gard.

Local name: Kaner

Family: Apocynaceae

Location: Botanical Garden

Characters: Milky shrubs, leaves whorled, thick, dark green, linear, lanceolate, apex acute. Flowers white, red, sweet smelling. Follicles lanceolate, seeds oblong. Planted in gardens, on road deviders near temples throughout the district.

General use: Due to beautiful flower it planted in gardens and near temples

Medicinal use: The decoction of the leaves is locally used for reducing swellings and for killing skin parasites. Roots are resolvent and attenuant their paste is applied to chancres, piles ulcers on the penis and skin diseases, their decoction is used to reduce inflammatory swellings, the root is introduced in the vagina as an abortifacient.

Veterinary use: Roots used as vermicide.