07-ALOE VERA (L.) Burm.

07-ALOE VERA   (L.) Burm.

Local names: Korphad, Kumari,Gheekwar.

Family: Liliaceae

Location: Department of Botany

Characters: Plant scapigerous herbs, root fibres slender, leaves fleshy, flowers yellow or orange, fruits capsules, seeds many.

General use: Inner fleshy part of the leaf mix with glass powder and yolk of the egg and prepared stuff thread of kite called ‘manja’ the extract of leaf is used for skin freshness. It works as a skin ointment. The fleshy part of plant is using in many commercial creams and lotions.

Medicinal use: The extract of leaf is used for skin infection and wounds of the skin juice of leaf is used in ear pain and cough. The complete plant is stomachic purgative emmenagogue and anthelmintic used in piles and rectal fissures. Pulp is used in menstrual suppressions.

Veterinary use: Leaves extract is used for delivery, miscarriage and mastitis. Fresh leaves used in throat problems.