Local names: Amba, Aam

Family: Anacardiaceae

Location: Botanical garden, near masjid, Y. B. Chavan College of pharmacy, many places.

Characters: Ripe and unripe fruits are edible. Unripe fruits are pickled. The leaves emit high degree antimicrobial activity. Wood is use for preparation of kite wheels. Wood also use for interior furniture.

General use: Leaves are used for worshipping to Lord Shiva and Lord Shankar. It is also use for preparation of roof at the time of marriage.

Religious use: Leaves are used for worshipping to Lord Shiva and Lord Shankar. It is also use for preparation of roof at the time of marriage.

Medicinal use: Fruits rich in iron, vitamin A, tonic, nutritive, laxative, diuretic, given in haemorrhoids of uterus, lung and intestine. Unripe fruits in ophthalmia and skin disease for blood purification. Decoction or powder of dried flower is useful as trigent in diarrhoea, chronic dysentery and gleet. Gum of tree is applied with benefit to cracked feet. Juice of kernel if sniffed, stops nasal bleeding.

Veterinary use: Fruits used for constipation, colic, Anthroxe, pneumonia, leaves used for swell throat and rabies.