60-LANTANA CAMARA L. var. aculeate (L.)

60-LANTANA CAMARA   L. var. 
aculeate (L.)

Local names: Ghaneri, Tantani

Family: Verbenaceae

Location: Near Canteen, Science Building, No. of places.

Characters: Strong smelling shrubby plant with recurved prickles, stem quadrangular. Leaves rough, ovate, crenate, acute. Flowers reddish or orange yellow, in corymbose, spikes, fruits a black drupe. Common at the foot of hills and along road sides.

General use: The ripe and unripe fruits are edible. Stem is used for thatching roof and walls of the huts. It is also used for making mats of bullock cart.

Medicinal use: Plant is diaphoretic, carminative, antiseptic, decoction in rheumatism, malaria in low doses as it possesses toxic effect. Decoction is given in tetanus, rheumatism and malaria, tonic much used in atoxy of abdominal viscera. Leaves used in ringworm also in veterinary medicine.

Veterinary use: Leaves used for dyspepsia, Jaundice and poi.