Local name: Shirish

Family: Mimosaceae

Location: In front of Higher Learning building.

Characters: A tree with a spreading crown. Leaves adeptly bipinnate. Flowers white or greenish white, pod long thin, linear oblong straw yellow. Common in and around villages also planted in road sides.

General use: The plant grows as an avenue tree. Wood is used for sugarcane crushers and oil mills. Leaves used as fodder. Bark is used for fish killing. Leaves a good manure. Gum is low substitute so gum aerobic. Wood fairly resistant to white ants, used for construction purpose, carts, agricultural implements.

Medicinal use: The bark and seeds are astringent; they are given in piles diarrhoea, dysentery and gonorrhoea. The pulverized root bark makes a useful tooth powder for the cure of spongy and ulcerated gums. The flowers are used as an emollient on boils, eruptions, carbuncles and swellings. Leaves in night blindness. Bark contains Tannins.

Veterinary use: Bark paste along with fodder given for fever. Leaves and twigs lopped for fodder. Leaves and seeds used for eye troubles.