Local names: Jaswandi, Jaswant, Gudhail, China Rose.

Family: Malvaceae

Location: Botanical garden, near Masjid, around Y.B.Chavhan college of Pharmacy.

Characters: Evergreen, nearly glabrous shrubs, leaves ovate, irregularly serrate dentate, shining green, flowers axillary, solitlary, pedicels, calyx, divided, glabrous. Flowers axillary solitary, pedicels even longer bracteole, lanceolate, petals red, oblanceolate, staminal tube exserted far beyond the petals.
 Grown in gardens under different horticultural varieties with petals showing various shades of white, pink, yellow etc. petals might be entire and large or small and variously incised.

General use: Ornamental plant. Fibres obtained from stem for the preparation of ropes.

Medicinal use: After removing the ovary from flower the corolla is sucked in the morning for blood purification. The juice of the flower is useful for urinary problems. The leaves or leaves paste apply on swelling parts of the body. Fresh crushed flowers used for hair dye. Root bark is used for blood purification.

Veterinary use: