Local name: Umbar

Family: Moraceae

Location: Behind Rauza Campus, Y. B. chavhan college of Pharmacy.

Characters: Large, evergreen trees without aerial shoots, young shoots pubescent, leaves alternate, ovate oblong, scarious, pubescent. Receptacles shortly pedunculate on short leafless. Male flowers forming a ring near the mouth of receptacle, sessile. Tepales 3-4 membranous, stamens 2 anthers, ovate elongate. Gall and female flowers subsessile, with gamophyllous perianth which is irregularly 4-5 toothed. Achenes ovoid, 1-1.5 mm long, tuberculate, brown.
 Common, along river banks, near wells, around fields etc. throughout the district.

General use: It is also a holy tree. Fruits are edible. Fruits and leaves are good cattel fodder, soft wood is used for well curbs, toys, cheap furniture, fuse box fitting, shutters, bed legs, cotton reels etc.

Medicinal use: Decoction of roots is given on dysentery. Fruits are used as male aphrodisiac, latex is used externally on swollen neck of bullock and on boils. Roots used in dysentery, extract in diabetes. Fruits astringent, stomachic. Sap root is used in diabetes. Leaves powdered and mixed with honey given in billions affections.

Veterinary use: Bark is astringent, given in rinder pest and also used in skin disease, plague, leaves used in blood dysentery.