Local names: Maharuk, Ghod limb.

Family: Simaroubaceae

Location: Near Canteen

Characters: A large leaves unequally pinnate. Flowers yellowish. Fruit a samara, long lanceolate pointed at both the ends 1-seeded. Common along road sides and in village.

General use: Wood is used for fishing floats. Lustrous wood is light and useful for packing cases, fishing floats, and drums yield inferior gum for making sticking paste.

Medicinal use: Extract of bark apply externally for stomach pain. Leaves are used on rheumatism. Decoction of bark is used as tonic on chronic bronchitis and asthma. The bark is aromatic and used for dyspepsia. It is regarded as tonic and febrifuge in cases of debility. Bark is anthelmintic, in dysentery parasiticidal.

Veterinary use: Leaves and stem bark tied around wounds. The powder of stem bark is used for swellon abdomen.