36-Coriandrum sativum

36. Coriandrum sativum

Local names: Kothimbir, Kothmir, Dhane, Dhaniya

Family: Apiaceae

Location: Canteen side.

Characters: Strong smelling aromatic annual herbs, 15-45 cm tall, stems glabrous, striate, Leaves pinnately or ternately decompound, segments of basal leaves broadly ovate, obovate or cuneate and deeply cut, those of the upper more finely dissected into linear segments. Flowers white in terminal compound umbels. Fruits subglobose ovoid, ribbed. Cultivated throughout the region for its leaves and fruits.

General use: Leaves and fruits used as spices. Leaves used as flavouring material in cooking.

Medicinal use: A strong decoction of the herb is given with milk and sugar for the cure of bleeding piles. A decoction of the dried fruit is given in flatulent colic and bleeding piles, its infusion is used as an eye wash in conjunctivitis. A poultice of the seeds is applied to chronic ulcers and carbuncles, its watery paste is used as gargle for cure of ulceration of mouth and throat.

Veterinary use: Seeds gives in the form of paste for indigestion. Leaves used in fever, mastitis and lactation.