Local name: Bhokar
Family: Ehretiaceae
Location: Parking area.
Characters: Medium sized trees. Leaves
entire, slightly sinuate dentate, broadly ovate, obtuse. Flowers purple, in lax terminal and axillary pedunculate cymose panicles. Drupes pale orange, globose, apiculate with remains
of style.
Frequent along banks of streams, planted in fields and also wild along river banks.
General use: Ripe fruits are edible and unripe fruits are pickled, wood is used in well curbs and agricultural implements, durable even in contact with water.
Medicinal use: Decoction of the bark is used for gargling in throat infection. Fruits are generally given in cough and disease of the chest. Leaf juice in water applied externally for headache.
Veterinary use: Seeds used for expel the worms. Bark is used for bone fracture.