Local name: Gokarna

Family: Fabaceae

Location: Botanical garden, In front of Botany department garden.

Characters: Glabrescent, slender twiners, rather woody or perennial pubescent. Leaflets 5-7 elliptic, opposite, acute or obtuse at base. Flowers large, pedicels stout, corolla, light or dark blue or white, pods oblong flattened, beaked, oppressed hairy. Seeds 6-10 quadrate, brown, smooth.
 Common garden plant, also grows wild throughout the district.

General use: Planted in gardens as ornamental plant. Flowers yield a blue dye. Leaves used as fodder.

Medicinal use: Root decoction is used as febrifuge. Seeds purgative, aperient, Roots biter, cathartic, diuretic. Plant used on snake poison.

Veterinary use: Roots used for abdominal pain. Also used fresh leaves as a fodder for abdominal problems.