Local name: Adulsa

Family: Acanthaceae

Location: Botanical garden, Beside Y.B. Chavhan College of Pharmcy.

Characters: An everygreen bushy shrub. Leaves opposite. Flowers subsessile, white, seeds tubercled. Grow in gardens, occasionally planted in hedges in villages.

General use: The wood is used for gun powder, charcoal.The wood is used for gun powder, charcoal.

Medicinal use: The leaf juice is given in diarrhoea and dysentery and asthma. Leaves roasted and tied around the paining joint like ankle, knee etc. Leaves paste is useful for skin problems.
 Vaccine and vaccinone extracted from Adhathoda zylanica are good for asthmatic bronchitis due to their brouchodilatory activity and hence in good widely in preparing cough syrups like Glycodin, while Gupta et. al., (1978) have found vaccine to be an abortifacient during his trial in animals. A poultice of the leaves is applied over fresh wounds, rheumatic joints and inflammatory swellings. The flowers and fruits are bitter aromatic and antispasmodic. The complete plant is having many medicinal uses. Uses of leaves for joint pain is novel. Plant is endanger condition protection is needed.

Veterinary use: Branches leaves and tender pods are fed to cattle, sheep and goats. Fruits in the form of fodder is used in Galactagogue.