Local names: Sadaphuli, Sadabahar
Family: Apocynaceae
Location: Near Commerce Building, around Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Mazaar.
Characters: Erect bushy herbs, 40–80 cm high. Leaves oblong–elliptic or oblanceolate, obtuse, apiculate. Shining green, flowers rosy or white, axillary, solitary or in pairs. Follicles oblong, cylindric, shortly barked, longitudinally ribbed, muriculate. Planted in gardens as an ornamental plant. Throughout the district. It is abundantly naturalized in many regions.
Medicinal use: Plant is used as a remedy for diabetes. Leaves juice or fresh leaves used for diabetes. Fresh leaves with water is used for blood pressure and asthma. Leaves juice also used in leakuimia.
Veterinary use: The extract of plant is used in nervous disorders.