Local name: Saru

Family: Casuarinaceae

Location: Between Canteen and Parking area.

Characters: Tall handsome trees with dropping branches, branches with longer internodes of limited growth and deciduous, grooved and ridged. Leaves scale-like, 6-8 in whorl, connate by their margins. Flowers unisexual male and female on separate plants, male spikes numerous, at the ends of branchlets, 1.5–2.5cm, long or longer, slender, cylindric, or slightly fusiform, bracteoles, two minute, stamen, one longer than the subtending scale leaf. Female cones globase or ovoid 1.5x2x1.5 cm, terminating, short, 3-10 mm long branches. Bracteoles 2, minute, but enormously enlarging and enclosing the fruit. The fruiting cones larger, woody, brown, ovary ovoid with long, bifid pink purple style. Fruits orbicular, compressed, 2-3 mm in diameter, narrowly winged, brown, seed one.
 Planted in gardens for ornamental purpose and grows in hedges, throughout the district.

General use: Wood is durable and used for construction and timber. It is also a good fuel. Trees are considered as wind breaker.