Local names: Ruchki, Akda, Roee, Madar etc.

Family: Asclepiadaceae

Location: Behind Rauza , near 1st gate (HDFC).

Characters: Branched, stout shrubs 3-5 m tall, bark yellowish, cracked, branches and leaves beneath clothed with white cottony pubescence. Leaves elliptic oblong or obovate, acute. Flowers white or purplish in lateral and terminal corymbs. Follicles thick, green, falcately lanceolate. Seeds brown, broadly ovate, flattened, minutely tomentose. Common on waste land throughout the district.

General use: Cotton obtained from fruits is used to stuff pillows. Wood yield gum powder used in charcoal.

Religious use: The garland of leaves offer to Lord Maruty at Khultabad and fruits offer to Lord Ghernaishwar at Ellora.

Medicinal use: The leaves are used in dropsy and enlargement of the abdominal viscera. A powder of the leaves is dusted over wounds, ulcers and sold sores. The oil in which the leaves have been boiled is a useful dressing for paralysed parts. Root bark used in dysentery, substitute for Ipecacuanha, diaphoretic, expectorant, emetic in the form of paste applied to elephantiasis. Tincture of leaves used in intermittent fevers. Latex irritant in combination with Euphorbia nerifolia used as purgative. Root bark used for leprosy. Latex antidote in scorpion sting, antiseptic. Leaves are used on cholera and cold. The plant parts used on insect bite, small pox, sores and spleen complaints.

Veterinary use: Latex, applied externally to cattle wounds.