Local names: Bhubhul, Babul
Family: Mimosaceae
Location: Parking Area
Characters: A moderate sized tree. Leaves bipinnate. Flowers yellow, fragrant, pods usually solitary 8-12 seeded. Common throughout the district in open plots.
General use: These are avenue plants and around fields wood is used in agricultural implements. Construction of huts, domestic kitchen appliances like wooden handle of knife, pinboard. Paths (seating desk) ladles, mincer etc. were prepared from wood of the plant. The heart wood is used for wheels, well curbs, oil presses. Bark is used in dyeing and tanning industry. Gum is collected by local rural people and sold at an approximate price Rs.200 kg (Dec. 2002). This gum is used as adhesive purpose, as well as tonic with dry fruits.
Medicinal use: The tender leaves are eaten as an astringent in diarrhoea and dysentery. The bark is an efficacious gargle in relaxing sore throat. The gum of the plant is used in diarrhoea, dysentery and diabetes. Gum mixed with other dry fruits and useful in cold weather for female problems. Young twigs used as tooth brush. Decoction of leaf is used for treating vomiting. The juice of the bark is applied as a styptic; it is particularly used for stopping bleeding from a circumcision wound. Stem bark used for mouthwash, cleaning teeth. The decoction of bark is taken in chronic. The gum is used as a tonic and it is sold in local markets.
Veterinary use: Branches leaves and tender pods are fed to cattle, sheep and goats. Fruits in the form of fodder is used in Galactagogue.