Local name: Kate sawar

Family: Bombaceae

Location: Near Central Library.

Characters: Large handsome deciduous trees, trunk with prickles, leaves large, digitately compound, leaflets 5-7 lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers large red, in the axil of fallen leaves, in clusters near ends of branches, appearing before the young leaves. Capsules woody, ellipsoid, seeds numerous, enveloped in silky wood.
 Commonly known as ‘silk cotton tree’ Common in forest, also planted in the gardens.

General use: Flower buds edible and good in colitis, nutritive. Mature fruits yield silk fibres for stuffing. Wood is used in match industry used for the preparation of toys, scabbards, handles, well curbs, pencils and pen holders and frames.

Medicinal use: Roots used as stimulant, tonic, aphrodisiac, cures impotency. Stem bark emetic, gum demulcent, astringent, alterative used in diarrhoea, dysentery, menorrhagia. The gum mostly useful in feminine problems. The bark used in urinary troubles.

Veterinary use: Stem bark is used in vaginal problems. The paste of stem bark used in Darrhoea, delivery indigection.