Local names: Kanchan, Khachnar.

Family: Ceasalpiniaceae

Location: Botanical garden, Principal’s residence, No. of places.

Characters: Medium sized trees, bark cracked, grey. Leaves deeply lobed, deciduous at the time of flowerings, usually as broad as long, deeply cordate. Flowers large, purple with the upper petal variegated with white, in axillary or terminal, few flowered racemes. Floral buds not angled. Pods flat, dehiscent 10–15 seeded.
 Cultivated in gardens and grown in avenues.

Medicinal use: The bark is alterative, tonic, blood purifier, anthelmintic and astringent, its decoction is given in scrofula, ulcers, syphilis, leprosy and other skin diseases.

Veterinary use: Stem bark is used in cuts wounds, root paste is used in expel placenta. The paste of stem bark is used for gastropathies, ulcer. Tender leaves functions as vermifuge.