Local names: Kadu limb, Neem
Family: Meliaceae
Location: Canteen Area, Botanical garden.
Characters: Tall trees, bark black, leaves unipinnate, crowded near the ends of the branches, leaflets 9–15 obliquely lanceolate, serrate, acuminate. Flowers fragrant white, in axillary panicles shorter than the leaves. Drupes elliptic oblong, yellow, glabrous, 1 seeded. Common every where, planted along road side also naturalised.
General use: The wood is much used in timber furniture and for the construction of coats and agricultural implements. The fresh and dried leaves are used to prevent insects. Twig is used as looth brush. Seed cake is used as a fertilizer. The oil of the seed used for killing head lice. Dried leaves placed in books for keeping away the moths.
Medicinal use: Fresh juice of leaves is given on intestinal worms. Externally the leaves are applied over skin diseases used as antiseptic. It is specially used for boils, chronic ulcers, eruptions of small pox, wounds etc., the bark is a bitter tonic, astringent, alternative, antiperiodic, anthelminthic, antispasmodic, and stimulant. The decoction of bark is also used like leaves decoction, for jaundice, liver complaints etc. flowers stomachic and antiseptic gum demulent tonic, used in catarrhal affections.
&emps;The leaves juice in water functions as contraceptives. Bark gum, leaf and seed used in snake bite and scorpion sting.
Veterinary use: Leaves used as a fodder for cattle. Leaves juice used in constipation, ulcer, wounds, skin diseases, stomatitis, prolaps ulcers, throat trouble, and cough. The stem bark used in fever.