Local names: Jackfruit, Fanas.

Family: Moraceae

Location: Inside of Botany Department, besides Shastri Memorial Hall.

Characters: The jackfruit tree is well-suited to tropical lowlands and is widely cultivated through-out tropical regions of the world. A mature jackfruit tree produces some 200 fruits per year, with older trees bearing up to 500 fruits in a year. The jackfruit is a multiple fruit composed of hundreds to thousands of individual flowers, and the fleshy petals of the unripe fruit are eaten. The ripe fruit is sweet (depending on variety) and is commonly used in desserts. Canned green jackfruit has a mild taste & meat-like texture that lends itself to being called "vegetable meat".

General use: The leaves of jackfruit tree are useful for curing fever, boils and skin diseases. When heated, they prove useful in curing wounds.. The wood of jackfruit tree is widely used in manufacturing musical instruments, furniture, doors, windows and roof constructions. To heal ulcers, the ash of jackfruit leaves is burnt with corn and coconut shells and used either alone or mixed with coconut oil. The root forms the remedy for skin diseases, fever and diarrhea. The heartwood of the tree is used by Buddhist forest monastics in Southeast Asia, for dying the robes of the monks to light brown color. The pulp and seeds of jackfruit are considered as a cooling and nutritious tonic. The fruit is useful in overcoming the influence of alcohol on a person’s body system.