Local names: Sitaphal, Custard apple, Sharifa.

Family: Annonaceae

Location: Botanical garden, Junior college park. In front of Botany department garden.

Characters: A wild small tree or cultivated plant for its fruits. Bark dark brown, leaves oblong or lanceolate. Flowers solitary and leaf opposed, greenish, fruits globose, yellowish green when ripe. Seeds smooth shining, dark brown.

Medicinal use: The poultice of the leaves made with salt is applied to boils, ulcers, malignant tumours. The root is a drastic purgative, it is given in acute dysentery melancholia and spinal diseases. The paste of the seeds is used for extracting guinea worms and for killing head lice. It is used as an abortificient by applying it to as uteri.

Veterinary use: Leaf paste is used in wound. Leaves infusion is used as insecticide of lice killer. Fruit is given when animal slops eating.